• 2009 Murcott Drive, Saint Cloud, FL 34771
  • 2009 Murcott Drive,
    Saint Cloud, FL 34771

We'll Make it.

Exceed your physical and mental capacities
in a positive, encouraging, and supportive

February, 10th

Morning Class (M-F)

Evening Class (M-F)

Bootcamp (T, Th & Sat)

  • 06:00 AM (Sat)


  • 09:30 AM


  • 10:30 AM
Complete Schedule
I got in the best shape of my life at this place and made a ton of friends in the process. Crossfit Panoply offers an excellent place to work out and is filled with great people, knowledgeable coaches and owners who care about your progress.
Jeff Richey

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Become a Member

You can choose between a limited and an unlimited membership

Limited Membership

  • 3x per week CrossFit classes

Unlimited Membership

  • Access to all classes
  • All open gym access
  • Specialty classes
  • Discounted rates for special events or seminars

New to Crossfit? Schedule a


Introductory class

Go at your own pace. Experience instructors. No tricks. No hidden fees.

(Note: we sometimes get busy coaching. If you don't hear from us in 24 hours, please call.)

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